Product feedback

Drylock Technologies

We are committed to ensuring the highest quality of our products at every stage of production, storage and transportation.

Do you have any feedback on our products? Let us know using this form.

Product information
Contact information

Product information

Retailer or brand *
 Please enter 3 or more characters.

Enter the batch code:

To be able to process your feedback, we need your product's batch code. The batch code can be found on the side of the bag or on the product itself. Select the first letter(s) and fill in the rest of the batch code.

Your batch code starts with:
Complete the batch code

Product category
Baby Care - Product type *
Feminine Care - Product type
Adult Care - Product type
Retailer or brand is a required field!


Feedback category *
Other category *
Your feedback *
Maximum 450 characters.
Upload your product picture(s)
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Upload a .JPG or .PDF file.

Contact information

First name *
Last Name *
Email *